About us
Short note
qwespapps started as an idea of an indie mobile game developing platform, sometime in 2019. This project is was started by a single guy with a little time to spear, some basic knowledge and an excess of creativity and imagination. At the beginning, there was a deficit of passion, and the movement barely flinched, but by the time passed, his knowledge went stronger and the ember turned to a burning flame. 3 years have passed and qwespapps published some unpolished games on Google Play. On 1st of September 2022, an initiative was taken and a promise was made that qwespapps will become a known game developing company.
The name "qwespapps"
You may say that it’s a gaming project and the name include apps but so what? Use to it! The base name of the project is qwesp. The suffix “apps” was added because the domain qwesp.com was taken and the musicality of qwespapps sounds ok. The “qwesp” part of the name is a weird word that i met in my childhood and the reason of choosing it is because of it’s unicity. qwespapps project will create apps too.
The logo

The logo was created starting from the name “qwesp”, precisely from the first and last letter from the word: qp. The logo can be seen as a q and a p if you rotate your head 45 degree to the right. The rotation was chose so the entire thing to look as a mirrored Q. The yellow color was chose because of it’s meanings of creativity and in the same time cowardness, things that described me at my best at the start of this jorney.